The palm – A mirror of your personality

The mounts, folds, ridges, large lines and fine lines on one’s palm actually reflect a number of features of a person, their disposition, preferences, way or method of working, their social preferences, spiritual inclination, ability to trust people, the ability of carrying out work on their own, whether the person is a team player or not, a person’s outlook towards life, their approach to elders and how they treat younger people. How they actually feel about people who are not financially able etc. The lines also tell us what a person’s aspirations are, what they can achieve, what obstacles they have to overcome to achieve their desired results. So many aspect of our lives are governed and influenced by the planets and their placements in our birth charts and our palm.
The Planetary placements in our chart also govern our physical characteristics such as, the tone of our skin, the shape of somebody’s face, body type, what physical weaknesses and strengths a person possesses.
Health is such an important factor in our lives and it is important to know what brings ailments to our body, for example, the moon influences our mental state and a person with a bad moon placement is going to suffer mentally and will face a lot of emotional issues throughout their life. Whereas a person with a good moon placement will enjoy controlling his or her emotions, they will also experience mental soundness and will be very comfortable with almost every decision they make. They will have a forward-thinking mind and the ability to plan and execute a large number of activities or projects.
A good palmist is able to decode these hidden messages in our palm. They will help us overcome our weaknesses, embrace our strength and help overcome all the hurdles in life.

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