One of the biggest determinants of our success I the Thumb. The thumb shows our willpower and reasoning of doing anything in life, if the thumb is a powerful one, it would be strong in the hand it will give you strong willpower to succeed in any field of life. A strong thumb means a strong mind, a mind that can lead, a mind that takes calculated risks, one that can take up the responsibility of their action. A strong thumb will balance out the hand. A strong thumb shows motivation to create the environment of choice and the ability to take responsibility to create abundance and success in life.

A weak thumb shows one who adapts to the environment and who has a degree of passive resignation to karma or a submissive fatalism. A weak thumb will cause a person to be more flexible and resign towards life, this person will not fight hard to change his situation, he more or less accepts what he is going through and hardly fights back. These kinds of people are quite easy to get along with because they are not very hard standing on their grounds, they adapt with others, they don’t usually voice their opinions strongly, they are quite easy but on the downside of it, they don’t fight hard to improve their situation, they don’t strive to make things better than they are, they sometimes show content but internally they may not be so happy especially if they have other more powerful influences in their palm. It will be a constant struggle between a lack of a drive and a stronger force.
We are the Vedic astrologers and palm readers for Kenya. We will help you read your thumb as well as give you the remedies to strengthen your willpower.

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